About Emily
My first encounter with professional coaching was early in my career. I was keen to advance quickly. I was given the opportunity to work with a professional development coach, and I will tell you, I was not happy about it. My attitude going into it could be described as a foot-stomp meets hand-on-hip. It didn't take long for me to see it for the gift it was. In fact, a transformation occurred within me. All along, I had been in my own way and didn't know it. It wasn’t long before I was seeing results in the form of more effective behaviors at work, and the advancement I was hoping for.
Years later, I left my consulting career to become a professional development and executive coach myself. I had seen the meaningful results of professional coaching myself, and I wanted to help others achieve the same.
Today, as that first coach did with me, I accept new clients wherever they are in their careers whether they be seasoned executives or young professionals. From there, I work with my clients to understand their goals, objectives, and challenges, and the fun begins.
I am pleased to say this tried and true approach has never failed me. More importantly, it creates real value for clients and deep personal satisfaction for me.
About Grandinetta Group
Grandinetta Group is proud to be an agency-certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB), and an active member of the Women’s Enterprise Business Network and International Coach Federation. We’re also a proud partner of the Wellspring Women’s Collective non-profit.​
Our mission is to help people achieve
both their personal and professional goals.
Our highly-trained certified professional development and executive coaches create custom development plans that align with your specific goals. Contact us today to learn more or visit us at https://www.grandinetta.com